Terra 7 Chakras Incense Smudge Stick 20g

Brand : TERRA
Origin: India
Pack of 9 Smudge Incense Sticks.

Terra “Seven Chakras” Incense Smudge or Bundle is a sacred blend designed to harmonize and balance the seven energy centers of the body. Made from natural plants and resins, it may include sage, palo santo, cedar, and other traditional herbs. Each ingredient is carefully selected for its specific properties related to each chakra: from the base (root chakra) to the top (crown chakra).

Lighting this incense releases a sweet and balancing scent, which promotes meditation, relaxation and energetic alignment. The purification ritual with this incense helps to release blockages, calm the mind, and promote emotional healing. Ideal for meditation sessions, yoga or simply to create an atmosphere of peace in the living space, this smudge can help to refocus and align the energies of the body and mind.

Smudge stick incense or bundle incense is a convenient variation of traditional stick incense. This type of incense combines the purifying aspect of bundles with the convenience of incense sticks. Ingredients such as white sage, cedar, palo santo, or other purifying herbs are ground into a fine powder, sometimes mixed with natural resins such as copal or myrrh. This mixture is then formed into a paste with the addition of a natural binder.

This paste is then rolled around a bamboo or natural wood stick and left to dry for several days. This process results in a stick that, when lit, slowly releases the aromas and properties of the sacred plants. Smudge stick incense is ideal for purifications or daily practices because it is simple to use and burns more slowly and evenly, facilitating energetic alignment and space purification.



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