This website is owned by ARABESK
Address: 8 Chem. de Casselevres, 31790 Saint-Jory
Phone: +33 (0)5 62 75 26 48
Publication Director: ARABESK SARL
SIRET No.: 43809117500051 - Capital of €300,000
VAT: FR70438091175 - RCS: Toulouse B 438091175 - APE Code: 4649Z
In accordance with French law, the Arabesk logo and photos are protected under Intellectual Property laws.
All rights of reproduction and representation are reserved. All information (designs, photos, trademarks, logos, texts, etc.) appearing on this website is the property of ARABESK SARL or its contracting partners. Therefore, none of these elements may be reproduced, modified, redistributed, translated, commercially exploited, or reused in any way without the prior written consent of ARABESK SARL.
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Protection of Personal Data
The data you provide to us is exclusively intended for processing your inquiries or orders. In accordance with Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, concerning data processing, files, and freedoms, you have the right to access, review, modify, correct, and delete any information you have shared with us.
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Headquarters: 140 Quai de Sartel - 59100 Roubaix
RCS Roubaix-Tourcoing: B 424 761 419 - SIRET: 424 761 419 00011 - APE Code: 721Z