Black Terracotta Warrior Statue 25cm

Origin: China
Sulture warrior in battle gear from Xi an, China

Approximate size: 25 x 8.5 x 5 cm

Approximate weight: 600 g

Terracotta figurines are made from fired clay, hand-made, and then carefully finished.

Their appearance is authentically ancient, and each terracotta figurine has subtle differences.

The Terracotta Army, also known as the "Warrior and Horse Figures Buried with the Dead" (兵马俑, bīngmǎ yǒng), is a collection of nearly eight thousand terracotta sculptures of soldiers and horses, representing the army of Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of China, intended to protect the emperor on his journey after death, ensuring his safety and power even in the afterlife.

Warrior in Battle Dress: These statues represent one of the categories of soldiers among the Terracotta Army statues. They are usually depicted as soldiers dressed in simple battle dress. Compared to other types of Terracotta Warriors, they often have less equipment and decorations. These soldiers were probably ordinary infantrymen, tasked with guard duties and other general military missions, rather than senior commanders or members of special troops. Their depiction may reflect the typical image of ordinary soldiers in the ancient Chinese army, with simple outfits but unwavering courage and determination.